Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It’s okay not to be okay.

Some days we fly, some days we bumble along, and some days we could stay in bed all day until the grey cloud rolls over. Wherever we’re are at, it’s all good.

On the days when we feel more like a muddy puddle than an explosion of coloured stardust ⭐️:

Go slow,
nurture yourself,
drink tea,
smile from your heart, ❤️
put cosy socks on,
put the to do list aside,
potter around like Harry,
be gentle with yourself,
hang with the trees (or the ocean),
breathe in love,
Hold a crystal,
Remind yourself you are awesome just by existing!
Weep to a good film,
wiggle your toes
and remember that life is not a race
and you are perfect as you are
and where you are right now
in this very moment 🌻💕


Love + Stardust

Jemma xoxo