Hello and welcome to my page. Thank you for sharing this with me. This creative space is a work in progress (exactly like life) unfolding in different areas in natural time and flow. My intention is that this is a space of love and inspiration. To inspire a view of things  from a different perspective, to think a little outside of the box that society has created for us, live from the heart space and dare to be the best versions of ourselves in this lifetime.

“Life is like a box of chocolates you never know which one you’re gonna get.”  

Thank you sir Forrest Gump.


Life is mysterious, magical, and an adventure ~ yet we often try and figure it all out, rushing through it, as if there is some sort of finish line. Collecting trophies and markers that say we’ve lived a ‘successful’ life (wanting to know what every chocolate is in the tray so we don’t get any surprises).

What is it really all about though? Is it about how big our houses are, how many shoes we have, how many countries we’ve ticked off our list, how many followers we have on instagram?

What if we are simply grateful for being alive? What if us being here ~ is enough …To be content and alive in our body. To love and live through the eyes of a child with no preconditions just here in each moment allowing it to unfold without having to figure anything out.

I am an expert in nothing and an explorer of everything.” – Emma Mildon.

Life is happening for us – not to us. I WHOLE HEARTEDLY believe that life is for living NOW. That when we are in true alignment, following our inner truth, our hearts, our souls calling ~ life flows with ease. When we get out of the mind (and all the conditions we have imposed upon ourselves of expectations and how we think things ‘should’ be) we free ourselves and make way for magic.

I believe we are co-creators of our lives and we can dream up any life we want.

Life is not about how much money or things we accumulate, but how richly we live and love (I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true) How we express our souls calling on this earth, how we live each breath that we are given. Because we were definitely created for more than just to pay bills and die.

“To be truly accepting and conscious in each moment ~ really is the golden ticket.” – Jemma Hewitt.

There is Stardust in your soul

Infinite love + stardust

♥ Jemma xoxo